2022 retreats and group offerings
starting October 16 2022 click here for more info


all of this series (Awakening the Body Deva) is available on PODIA. Click here to see all that is available:

ETHER as an element Is the foundationless foundation of manifestation, or pure spaciousness. From which all things arise and into which they dissolve. The empty blackness of taoism, the Akash of ayurveda, emptiness of Buddhism, that which IS but can not be pointed to, and on and on and on… it IS YOU at your most foundational being, beyond the sense of self, beyond the arising of I AMness, it simply is. It can be tasted in all things, as space is the essence of all things. How does this manifest as ether, as element perceivable and knowable? How does this blossom from deep within and out through every pore? Of all the elements, this is always both/and: expanded and contracted, bound and free, encumbered and fully expressed. Outside duality and within manifestation. Does this manifest as your lived experience? YES!: as, within, and through. This week’s exploration of this prime element will open you into your experience and expression of it.
SUNDAY 7/11 :
Join us:
Then MONDAY 7/12 we will meet privately to go deeper and reveal the healing/wholing/clearing/freedom offered with SPACE/ETHER:
Join us on ZOOM:
all of this series (Awakening the Body Deva) is available on PODIA. Click here to see all that is available:
30 US dollarsEnded
30 US dollarsEnded
30 US dollarsEnded
30 US dollarsEnded
30 US dollarsEnded
Spring 2021 offerings

Check out the video ABOVE for more information on the 2021 New Moon Revivification sessions BELOW!
see you soon, beautiful souls!
February 7, 2021
from wounded healer to divine healer
Energy Alchemy Group Session
ZOOM link provided upon registration
20us dollars
This group energy wholing/healing session occurs a few days before the new moon in aquarius on February 10th, 2021 and the Lunar new year a few days later on the 12th.
It is intended to give you a deep yet gentle flush of all energetic systems as well as an update and realignement of your energies, grounding and energetic grids. We will be working with the Elohim for this session, specifically geared towards releasing the old wounded healer archetypal structures and welcoming in the new divine healer identity. More details will emerge closer to the date. This session is limited to 6 people and is offered on Zoom format. Payment in full is required upon registration.
March 7, 2021
from wounded genius to divine creatrix
Energy Alchemy Group Session
ZOOM link provided upon registration
35 us dollars
This group energy wholing/healing session occurs a few days before the new moon. It is intended to give you a deep yet gentle flush of all energetic systems as well as an update and realignement of your energies, grounding and energetic grids. We will be working with the Elohim for this session, specifically geared towards releasing the old wounded genius archetypal structures and welcoming in the new divine creatrix identity. More details will emerge closer to the date. This session is limited to 6 people and is offered on Zoom format. Payment in full is required upon registration.
New Moon Revivification
March 7, 2021 4pm E.S.T.
35 us
From Wounded Genius to Divine Creatrix/tor
This session is a few days before the new moon in Pisces!: a perfect time to dive deep and activate your creative spring within.
What we will see, love and release in this session:
From doubt of our gifts, our loves, to equanimity with all aspects of our process of expression. In this session, we are looking at beliefs and the energetic structures that hold these beliefs in place. The archetypes of the wounded genius looks like many things: the starving artist, the crazy genius. The artistic social misfit existing on the edges of her society, the outsider, the crazy brilliant mathematician who can barely hold a conversation with the one he loves. Our patterns of martyrdom and self-sabotage as we muster up the courage to finally offer what we have created to the world, to others, our loved ones, our family, our lover… and at that very moment, some catastrophe befalls and the full expression is aborted, incomplete. Or we choose to doubt our value/worth/genius/genuineness and choose to turn away, back away from the edge of our great love, thwart ourself with some injury of body/heart/mind/soul… what if… what if there was another way, another choice, a greater bravery available, a greater love alignment?…
What we will fill up with and believe, and at the very least, open the door to being willing to believe in this session:
The truth of the divine expressed in every cell of your very being. The capacity to act from this truth within your life, loving every expression as a way of evolving into a greater fullness of communion with the divine, your truest self. You may choose to deny this truth within you, however here is an opportunity to remove the shadow aspect and allow this light to shine forth effortlessly… begin to believe or deepen your knowing. This session promises to be powerful. The Elohim, dragons, dakinis, and elemental realms are at the ready, excited to move us all closer to a truer expression, deeper connection, more vibrant shine of our unique creatrix archetype.
During the live zoom session, we will move into meditation, and the energy work will be channeled from the aforementioned divinely aligned consciousnesses, as well as your own guides of creativity and healing. We will do two sessions in order to complete the work/play/energy flow. You shall see me, as channel, move into trance: breathing changes as energy shifts, some sounds are made, sometimes guidance is given. All you, as participant need to do, is relax and allow. You may choose to follow and do your own energy work at the same time, journal, dance, breathe, walk, paint, etc … the choice is yours. We will receive more guidance during the session around this. The work will be deep, the effect will leave you feeling lighter, more buoyant, focused and purposeful - and, perhaps, effervescent! The pre-session tap-in to the group that I do will begin the process, and happens 24-48 hours before our session. Indeed, the session begins once you sign up. Enjoy the blessings of the day! Very looking forward to this powerhouse of a session. Thank you. 🙏 ❤️
Please join us. This is a small group session.
Cost is: 35 us
Register here:
April 11, 2021
from wounded warrior to peaceful love leader
Energy Alchemy Group Session
ZOOM link provided upon registration
35 us dollars
This group energy wholing/healing session occurs on the new moon.
It is intended to give you a deep yet gentle flush of all energetic systems as well as an update and realignement of your energies, grounding and energetic grids. We will be working with the Elohim for this session, specifically geared towards releasing the old wounded warrior/leader/activist archetypal structures and welcoming in the new divine peaceful love leader identity. More details will emerge closer to the date. This session is limited to 6 people and is offered on Zoom format. Payment in full is required upon registration.