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Podia is the place of lovevevolvenergy's online shop where you can find energy sessions, guided meditations, and pre-recorded retreats available for download.


online downloads sessions and classes

If you need an extra boost between sessions with me, want a taste of what my approach is, or enjoy my free guided sessions on YouTube and want to go a bit deeper, an on-demand energy bundle, class, or workshop is for you.

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Energetic Spa Bundle

downloadable videos from my store on PODIA!



I created this bundle after many requests for a daily energy clearing practice. What you will receive here are a few options depending on what your needs of the day are! All sessions include energetic grounding, energy clearing, repair and integration (details below!). You can simply relax and let the audio wash over you, or engage more fully by doing your own self energy clearing along with my guidance. You can do all 3 for a deep clean, or just one for a refresher any time of day or night! These are in place of a full session with me or if you want some guidance for your own energy healing. Have fun, be creative, and use with love (or when you need some!). 


This bundle includes 3 guided energy clearing session videos that you can use anytime. They are prerecorded with love and intention. available on Podia for $27


1.Sacred Sphere - deep restoration
 With breaths of peace and ease, we deeply relax in this session. From this peaceful open awareness, we create our energetic SACRED SPHERE by calling in the elemental energies of each direction. We anchor and grid our energies from the most high divine energies to the most deep elemental realms of our universe, into Gaia’s heart. This is deeply healing and relaxing for the nervous system and manifest energy bodies. A luscious soundscape in which to rest and restore, nourish and revive.

2.Energetic Spa treatment
Deeply relax, release and nourish in this short spa session. Receive the energy treatments of earth soak, divine waterfall flush, angelic fire cleanse and seal, and much more. May you be whole and well in divine love.

3.Deep cleanse - A full energy spa treatment for every layer level and dimension.

This is a deep, general session, using many different techniques with the assistance of arch angelic energies and your energetic spa healing team.
Simply relax and receive.
This session includes:
Wide grounding, cleansing.
Divine gold cleansing rain, all layers levels and dimensions.
foam wash.
divine gold flush.
Magnetic sphere cleanse.
Vacuum cleanse
Liquid divine gold aura soak.
Honey Wax chakra treatment.
Deep flush, cleanse, unravel, heal, seal of energy centers and main energetic power current.
Angel fire flush.
You may choose to play this on low volume in the background as you rest and fall into dream state for 40 minutes, allowing the session wash over you.


Awakening the Body Deva sessions

AWAKENING the BODY DEVA was the 2021 energy alchemy series. you can find the ETHER session and all the elements at the lovevolvenergy Podia shop:


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ETHER ELEMENT : Awakening the Body Deva

downloadable group ETHER energy session from my store on PODIA!


This video session includes a guided energy meditation to connect YOU with YOUR truth of the ether element, PLUS a guided energy session where you learn techniques to use on your own. The video is a prerecorded group session offered in July of 2021. I offer this to you now with love and intention. available on Podia for $18

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